Friday 10 May 2013

Top tips for studying for exams

If you are studying for upcoming exams, here are some top tips to keep you healthy, sane and efficient...

Take regular breaks

It is impossible for anyone to remain focused all day long without a break! Schedule in short rests every hour and break up your day with activities that help you to relieve stress- take a long bath, go for a run, read a chapter of your favourite book. Everyone is different but if you feel your concentration starting to wane or you feel frustrated and stressed out, take a break, have a glass of water, wash your face and start again.

Get enough sleep

Energy drinks and coffee are not a substitution for sleep! It may be tempting to pull an all-nighter before an important exam but your brain will function much better after a full nights sleep- you will be better able to cope with stress too.

Give yourself the fuel you need

Make sure that you eat regular, healthy meals. Snack on fruit, nuts and seed that will sustain you without causing your blood sugar levels to spike like sugary snacks will and drink plenty of water.


Everybody is different, so it makes sense that everybody will have their own tricks to help them remember certain subjects or to make the hours of studying more barable. If you can’t stand silence while you work you could invest in a portable speaker, so you can take your study playlist with you wherever you are.

 This Deadmau5 portable speaker is small but mighty! Light and portable, this speaker is based on the iconic Deadmau5 head and boasts crystal clear sound quality- so you can study in style.

You might find it helpful to write your study notes in different colours or make posters to stick up around your house. Try making up songs or funny rhymes to remember facts. Studying doesn’t have to be a chore!

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