Check out the video for the new Fenice Clutch, the gorgeous premium phone cover for the iPhone 5. This Italian PU leather cover uses magic tape technology to secure your phone without the need for any bulky casing. With an inside pocket to keep money and cards, the Fenice Clutch is all you need for a stylish night out!
Thursday, 30 May 2013
New video for Fenice Clutch premium cover for iPhone 5
Check out the video for the new Fenice Clutch, the gorgeous premium phone cover for the iPhone 5. This Italian PU leather cover uses magic tape technology to secure your phone without the need for any bulky casing. With an inside pocket to keep money and cards, the Fenice Clutch is all you need for a stylish night out!
iPhone 5,
phone case,
phone cover,
premium phone,
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Get fit from your office!
With summer just around the corner (we hope), the fear of tiny tops and shorts, or even worse- the dreaded bikini- is ever looming.
If, like a lot of people, you are sat behind a desk for the majority of your day, it is difficult to find the time to get fit and stay active. There are however ways to improve the levels of physical activity in your day to day life without making massive lifestyle changes or having to sign up for costly gym memberships.
Try and walk or cycle to work or if that is not possible, get off a stop earlier on the bus or train and walk the last part of your route. You could even find a carpark a bit further away from your office if you drive to work.
Stand while talking on the phone and try walking over to your colleagues desk to talk to them rather than calling them.
Take the stairs instead of the lift of escalator.
Go for a walk in your lunch break. You could use a tracking device such as the Fitbit Ultra to keep track of your progress and even share with friends and family online. Build up gradually to walking at least 10,000 steps a day. Set goals and reward yourself when you reach them.
And just remember- small changes in your daily routine can add up to big changes in your health!
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Power walking... to charge your phone!
The Daily Mail reported recently that mechanical engineering students have developed a shoe that can charge a mobile phone.
Four students were able to employ and store the energy produced with each step a person took and use it to charge a phone.
The new PediPower shoes turn motion into phone charge and it is hoped that the same principle may one day be use for life-saving medical devices.
Cameron, a company who specialises in equipment and services for the oil and gas industry, approached four students at Rice University in Houston, Texas. They wanted the students to develop new green energy technologies and they decided to focus their studies on developing a shoe-mounted generator.
Their devices are currently too big for day-to-day usage but the project is expected to be picked up by another team of Rice students in Autumn, with the hope they can refine the materials, shrink the size and boost the power output, all of which will get PediPower closer to being a commercial product.
'If we could prove that we could produce some usable power, store it in a battery and discharge that battery on a mobile device or an MP3 player, then we could prove this device works,' Armada said.
'Now the next team can come in and make it smaller and lighter without sacrificing power.'
In the meantime you will just have to keep using your regular phone charger. But who knows what the future may bring...
Friday, 24 May 2013
Give your heart a Spring MOT!
According to the British Heart foundation, high blood pressure is just one of the risk factors for developing heart and circulatory disease, along with high cholesterol, diabetes and other lifestyle factors.
As many as 5 million people in the UK are walking around, undiagnosed, with high blood pressure. The only way to know whether you have high blood pressure is to have it measured. Everyone should know their blood pressure. The British Heart foundation recommends that everyone over 40 gets their blood pressure taken by a nurse or doctor as part of a health check to assess their risk for getting heart and circulatory disease.
Should you find that you do have a high blood pressure, don’t panic, there are not only medications to keep it under control, but easy lifestyle changes will make a big difference.
Making sure that you are physically active and maintain a healthy diet will help you to control your blood pressure. Making sure that you get enough sleep and stay in control of your stress levels can also help.
Many of the people who end up hospitalised as a result of more serious medical conditions caused by high blood pressure, were not even aware that they had a problem until it was too late.
Being aware of your blood pressure is extremely important, especially if you are over 65, have a family history or are overweight- it could even save your life!
There are plenty of perfectly functional and reasonably priced monitors available to buy in chemist and many doctors’ surgeries offer a free blood pressure monitoring service. Ask your GP for more information.
However if you want a state of the art monitor and wish to track your blood pressure at the touch of a button then you need to look no further than this bloodpressure monitor that is compatible with your ipad, ipod or iphone. Based on the iOS operating system and Bluetooth technology, you can test, track and share your blood pressure results wirelessly with your iPod touch: iPhone and iPad. The monitor is integrated on the arm cuff and works with the Free App. It can even work out averages to see if the chances that you have made to your lifestyle or any medication that you are on is having a positive effect. This information can then be sent to family members or caregivers at the tough of a button.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Great gifts for a stylish dad
Fathers day is quickly approaching (it’s on
June 16th this year, just in case this is new information!) and yet
again you need to find a thoughtful gift to show the man that raised you how much you appreciate him… it should be easy, you’ve known him your whole life. But
it’s not. Unless you are one of the lucky ones with a father with an ongoing
hobby that always requires new accessories/ tools/tacks/balls etc. you are
probably racking your brain for an idea about now!
Well you need to look no further. If your
father is a man of impeccable taste with an appreciation of quality
craftsmanship and style then here are a few gorgeous phone cases from Fenice
that will be sure to put a smile on your Dad’s face.
This Fenice Diario Blended Brown iPhone 4 case uses patented magic tape technology to secure your phone to the ultra thin
cover without the need for bulky casing- making it one of the lightest and
sleekest cases on the market!
This Diario ver.2 Dark Navy iPhone 5 case
is from Fenice’s new range of two-toned cases. Sleek and professional with a
fun colourful twist, this case takes the super-thin features of the original
Fenice Diario cases to a new level of style!
For the ultimate in premium luxury covers
for the iPhone 5, the Fenice Cima is handcrafted from beautiful Italian leather
with gorgeous detailing- guaranteed to show your father just how much you love
him this Fathers Day!
16th June,
fathers day,
iphone case,
premium cases,
premium cover,
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Top tips to live a more exciting life!
The weather is dreary, everyone is worn out and ill after the long winter and even your diet (salads and soups in the run up to bikini season) feels dull and lifeless... But before you close the curtains on the world and go back to bed, here are some fab tips to spice up your life and inject a bit more excitement to your daily routines!
It is easy to fall into a fashion rut- we all have our ‘safe’ items of clothing- black is slimming and goes with everything; that jumper is just so warm; the elasticated waist on those trousers makes them unbelievably comfortable- and there is nothing wrong with that. But why not try being braver with your accessories. The right accessory can turn an outfit from drab to fab. Invest in a statement necklace, a bright scarf or dress your phone up with a daring cover. This Fenice leopard iphone 4 cover is perfect for adding a bit of wild abandon to your dreary work wear!
Be spontaneous
If there is a bar that you have always wanted to go to, or perhaps an activity that you have always wanted to do- Just do it! Don’t wait for an invitation. If you can’t find anyone to go with you, don’t be put off- go alone! Often we miss out on meeting great new people because we hide behind our good old safe friends.You never know who you might meet!
Try to do one thing that scares you every day- be that skydiving, paintballing or simply getting a spider out of the bath! Maybe you should give karaoke a go? Get some practice in beforehand with the appsing. It transforms your phone or media device into a fully portable karaoke machine, complete with lyrics on the screen and a built-in microphone!
Friday, 17 May 2013
New Fenice Classico Flip for iPhone 5 video!
Classico Flip,
iPhone 5,
phone case,
phone cover,
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
How to keep your valuables safe on holiday
It is very easy when you are relaxed and enjoying your holiday to be caught off-guard by opportunistic thieves. Having your valuables stolen on holiday can completely ruin your break and overshadow all of the good memories that you are making.
Mobile phone theft has risen by a staggering 25% in the last three years with, on average, 264 phone robberies reported to the police every day.
Remember to use your common sense. Leave valuables locked away in a safe or hidden in a secure place when you leave your accommodation. If you are going to the beach, only take what you really need- leave unnecessary valuables at home!
on their phones in busy public places are easy targets and often find
them snatched away before they even knew someone was approaching. If
possible wear a bag that can be worn across your body and that has a
secure zip to keep it closed.
is the most common form of mobile phone theft. One in six of those who
have had a phone stolen say it was taken from their bag or pocket. Make
it difficult for thieves to remove your phone from your person with the Mi-Zone 2-way proximity alarm. The
Mi-Zone works with your handset or tablet and can be attached to
anything you consider valuable or worth protecting. You can choose from 3
security settings: Low, medium and high, depending on the range of the
security zone you wish to create and as soon as your belongings move
outside of the selected zone, a flashing alert and audio alarm will be
activated on your screen. Just keep your Mi-Zone tag by your side or in
your pocket, and it will alert you when your handset or tablet is moved
away from you. You can also use it to locate missing handset/tablet by
pressing the button on the tag for 10 seconds and, as long as it is in
range, the alert will activate on your phone or tablet allowing you to
pinpoint its exact location.
Don't let thieves ruin your holiday! Be prepared, aware and stay safe!
Don't let thieves ruin your holiday! Be prepared, aware and stay safe!
personal alarm,
phone crime,
proximity alarm,
Monday, 13 May 2013
Three birthday presents for the man who has everything!
You normally love that your other half has impeccable taste, style and an appreciation for the finer things in life, but when it comes to buying them a birthday present, you are truly stumped!
Well you need look no further because here are three fabulously fun gadgets that will be certain to impress even the pickiest of recipients…

Inspired by the iconic “mau5head”, this Deadmau5 portable speaker features LED eyes that light up when connected to your iphone. The portable speaker not only looks amazing, but it sounds awesome, too. You will be blown away by the high quality and clarity of the sound. The Deadmau5 speaker is ultra-portable and can be charged via the supplied USB cable and the built-in Li-ion batteries ensure that you will have plenty of sound no matter where you are. Don’t be fooled by the compact size- this speaker really packs a punch!
Friday, 10 May 2013
Top tips for studying for exams
If you are studying for upcoming exams, here are some top tips to keep you healthy, sane and efficient...
Take regular breaks
It is impossible for anyone to remain
focused all day long without a break! Schedule in short rests every hour and
break up your day with activities that help you to relieve stress- take a long
bath, go for a run, read a chapter of your favourite book. Everyone is
different but if you feel your concentration starting to wane or you feel
frustrated and stressed out, take a break, have a glass of water, wash your
face and start again.
Get enough sleep
Energy drinks and coffee are not a
substitution for sleep! It may be tempting to pull an all-nighter before an
important exam but your brain will function much better after a full nights
sleep- you will be better able to cope with stress too.
Give yourself the fuel you need
Make sure that you eat regular, healthy
meals. Snack on fruit, nuts and seed that will sustain you without causing your
blood sugar levels to spike like sugary snacks will and drink plenty of water.
Everybody is different, so it makes sense
that everybody will have their own tricks to help them remember certain
subjects or to make the hours of studying more barable. If you can’t stand
silence while you work you could invest in a portable speaker, so you can take
your study playlist with you wherever you are.
This Deadmau5 portable speaker
is small but mighty! Light and portable, this speaker is based on the iconic Deadmau5
head and boasts crystal clear sound quality- so you can study in style.
You might find it helpful to write your
study notes in different colours or make posters to stick up around your house.
Try making up songs or funny rhymes to remember facts. Studying doesn’t have to
be a chore!
portable speakers,
top tips,
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
New Fenice Clutch case for Samsung Galaxy SIII VIDEO!
Check out the video for the new Fenice Clutch, the gorgeous premium phone cover for the Samsung Galaxy SIII. This Italian PU leather cover uses magic tape technology to secure your phone without the need for any bulky casing. With an inside pocket to keep money and cards, the Fenice Clutch is all you need for a stylish night out!
Monday, 6 May 2013
How to travel light
If you are going away this Summer and want
to make the most of your packing space here are some tips on how to pack light…
Colour co-ordinate
When choosing clothes for a trip stick to a
clear colour palette. Pick items of clothing that can be layered over each
other and mixed and matched with each other to make multiple outfits. Sticking
to neutral tones that go with everything is best if you are not sure what to
take. If you just don’t feel like yourself without a splash of colour,
accessorise with a colourful scarf. It can also be used as a sarong, headscarf,
travel pillow etc and can be worn when you are travelling to avoid taking up
precious packing space.
Only take as much as you need
Toiletries can be really heavy and take up
a lot of space. Miniature versions are available of a lot of the most popular
toiletries, but this can work out expensively. Buy some small plastic bottles
to decant a small amount from the big versions that you already have. Some
cosmetics can be decanted into smaller pots too to avoid extra packaging.
Choose products that multitask
Think carefully about how you are going to
use everything that you are taking with you. Could you swap it for something
more useful. For example instead of buying a separate face-friendly sunscreen,
find a moisturiser that has an SPF in it. Many cosmetic products can be used
for multiple uses as well- instead of taking blush, use a dot of lipstick on
your cheeks to give you a glow; take a shimmery eye shadow that can also be
used as a highlighter; Vaseline is great, not only for your lips but can be
used as an eyebrow gel and to give eyelashes a natural looking curl and gloss-
it can even be used to sooth dry skin or rubbing shoes.
A natural soap such as Dr Bonners Castille
soap can be used to wash your hair and body as well as your clothes.
Keep your money, cards, room key and phone
together in this Fenice Clutch iphone cover. Compact and stylish, this cover is
all you need for a day or night out. It also comes in a range of on-trend
colours- so you don’t have to compromise style for functionality!
Friday, 3 May 2013
Bikini Body Countdown Part 2
Your summer holiday is approaching and the weather is hotting-up. You should be excited but the fear of stripping off in direct sunlight is niggling at the back of your mind... Well, don't panic and check out our Bikini Body Countdown Part 1 for how to get started on the road to your dream body by setting realistic goals and keeping track of your progress.
As anyone will tell you, the fastest way to kick-start your weight-loss is not only to watch what you are eating, but also to increase the amount of exercise that you do. Again, it is important to be realistic with your exercise goals. If you do very little exercise and you suddenly start going to the gym every day for two hours, you are going to lose interest very quickly (and quite possible do your body some damage too!) Ease yourself into a new fitter lifestyle by setting practical goals that fit with your lifestyle. Take a brisk walk in your lunch break or walk to and from work instead of driving. Get your family involved by walking the kids to school or going on a bike ride together at the weekend. Find an activity that you enjoy and you are much more likely to stick to it! Even small changes will make a huge difference to your level of fitness and will help you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
If you need a bit more motivation to keep track of all of the positive changes that you are making, perhaps you should consider investing in a health tracker such as the Fitbit UltraWireless Tracker.
The Fitbit Ultra monitors your activity all day to provide you with real-time feedback on steps, distance, calories burned, and stairs climbed to encourage you to walk more and be more active. It wirelessly uploads your data to so you can gain deeper insight into your daily or monthly fitness and sleep levels with free online graphs and charts. On, you can earn fitness badges, connect with friends to share and compete on fitness goals, or join the Fitbit community for advice and encouragement. So you can get fit- one step at a time!
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
What the colours of your accessories say about you...
Sayings like “seeing red,” “feeling blue” or “green with envy,” are often used to describe an emotion- But can colours really have an effect on our mood?
Researchers at the University of British Columbia have concluded that colours do in fact alter the way we feel and react to stimulus.
Subjects performed tasks with images or words displayed against blue, red or neutral backgrounds on computer screens.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia have concluded that colours do in fact alter the way we feel and react to stimulus.
Subjects performed tasks with images or words displayed against blue, red or neutral backgrounds on computer screens.
Red groups did better on tests of recall and attention to detail, like remembering words or checking spelling and punctuation. Blue groups did better on tests requiring imagination, like inventing creative uses for a brick or creating toys from shapes.
Another study carried out by Andrew Elliot of the University of Rochester showed that men considered women shown in photographs with red backgrounds or wearing red to be more attractive than women with other colours.
Colours have been used as therapy in many ancient cultures including the ancient Egyptians and Chinese and are still used holistically today. So how can we utilize colour to our advantage? Here are some ways to accessorise with colour that will say a lot about your personality and even boost your mood…
Red is the colour of passion. It denotes strong feelings and grabs attention. Red could be the perfect colour for you if you are looking to stand out in the crowd or increase a certain someone’s pulse rate!
Choose a bright pink hue of red for a more playful and sweet shade of passion, such as this Poppy Pink Fenice ipad cover.
Black is the colour of authority and power. It can often denote mystery and is timelessly chic. Vamp up your outfit with this Fenice Prada Black iphone 4 cover
Blue is tranquil and relaxing. It can also stimulate creativity. Blue is also thought to be the colour of loyalty so is an excellent choice to wear to a job interview. Give off the vibes of trustworthy dependability with this Fenice denim blue ipad cover.
Orange is uplifting and zingy. It is great for stimulating action and enthusiasm and relieving lethargic periods of inactivity.This juicy orange Fenice iphone 4 cover would get you moving even on the coldest of Monday mornings!
mood. color,
phone cases,
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